Guide Right & Kappa League

Two of Kappa Alpha Psi's most established social action programs--Guide Right and Kappa League--trace their roots to the Western Province.

Guide Right is a program for the educational and occupational guidance of youth, primarily inspirational and informational in character; its reach extends to high schools and colleges alike. Guide Right encompasses many of our youth oriented programs such as mentoring, college preparatory programs, and tutoring. However, the flagship initiative of the Guide Right service program is Kappa League, officially known as the Kappa Leadership Development League.

Guide Right

Evolved from a 1921 program of the St. Louis Alumni Chapter, Guide Right was adopted as the national service program of Kappa Alpha Psi at the 12th Grand Chapter Meeting (Chicago, 1922). The Province Chairman is Shannon Faulk, who can be reached at

A monthly Guide Right Directors conference call is held the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9 PM Pacific. Western Province Guide Right Directors should join the online discussion board by subscribing to

Province Guide Right Awards

The Western Province bestows the following Guide Right awards each year:

Nominations for awards must be submitted to the Province Guide Right Chairman 30 days prior to the Province Council using the appropriate forms found at the bottom of this page. Applications should be submitted in electronic form to Western Province Guide Right Chairman Shannon Faulk at For questions, call Brother Faulk at (310) 902-6836.

Guide Right links

Kappa League

Established in 1969 by the Los Angeles Alumni Chapter, Kappa League was adopted as the national youth initiative of Kappa Alpha Psi at the 56th Grand Chapter Meeting (Charlotte, 1970). The Province Director is Dr. Ray Ivey, who can be reached at

Kappa League links