The Nominating Committee is responsible for submitting a slate of nominees for elected office (Western Province Bylaws, Article XXVIII). Candidates also can be nominated for office from the floor of the Council once nominations have been opened by the presiding officer. Questions or concerns regarding the committee and its guidelines should be directed to the Committee Chairman, Brother Sekou Aiken; he can be contacted at or (646) 479.0642.
Process Overview / Timeline
Candidates submit their intention to run for elected office (complete form below). Deadline is 30 days prior to the Council (Feb 13, 2024) except for undergraduate members initiated at the Council.
Undergraduate candidates submit transcripts by Tuesday, February 27, 2024. Send an official copy to the Province Keeper of Records & Exchequer, and provide a copy (unofficial OK) to the Nominating Committee Chairman.
Chapter Polemarchs must submit their representative's name, email address, & phone number to the Committee Chairman (NLT Tue, Feb 27, 2024)
Nominating Committee meets following the first Business Session at the Council (Mar 14, 2024).
(if applicable) Undergraduate candidates initiated at the Council may submit their names for office (5pm PST on first day of Council).
Nominating Committee meets following the second Business Session (Fri, Mar 15, 2024) to conduct interviews and select a slate of nominees.
After hearing potential nominations from the floor, Council votes on Committee's report (Sat, Mar 16, 2024).
Report is sent to the Elections Committee for balloting (Sat, Mar 16, 2024)
Balloting/elections take place (Sat, Mar 16, 2024)
Rules and Guidelines
Committee Membership
The Committee shall consist of no more than one representative from each chapter represented at the Council, as selected by their respective chapters.
Committee Responsibility
It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to submit to the Council a slate of nominees for the offices as provided for in the Bylaws of the Western Province, Article XXII, Sections I, V, VI, and VII.
Candidate Submission Criteria and Guidelines
Any member who desires to be a candidate for a province office (see list below), and who has not previously filed with the chairman of the Nominating Committee must submit his intention with the chairman of the Nominating Committee no later than 30 days prior to the Council, unless the member is an undergraduate who has just been initiated at the Council, in which case he must submit his intention no later than 5:00 pm PST on the day of the Council's first business session. Candidates shall use the form below on the Nominating Committee webpage to submit their statement of candidacy.
Candidates must be in "good standing" on all three levels of the fraternity (i.e. "active" status, financial, and not under any disciplinary action, whether current or pending, and either within or outside of the fraternity).
Candidates must be able to serve a full one-year term in their position.
Candidates for office, including those nominated from the floor, must be properly certified as eligible before their names may be considered (credentials will be checked). All candidates must be in "active" status (C&S: Statute 24, Sections 1 & 2). Additionally, those who seek undergraduate offices must (a) be in "regular attendance" at a college or university (C&S: Article XXV, Section 10); (b) have a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA (C&S: Statute 20, Section 4); and (c) must submit a current official transcript to the Province Keeper of Records and Exchequer, and provide a copy (unofficial OK) to the Nominating Committee Chairman, by Tuesday, February 27, 2024.
Each candidate's chapter must be certified and credentialed by the Credentials Committee.
last updated: Jan 16, 2024
Jan 16, 2024: Candidacy submissions are now open; use the form below.
Elected Offices
The Western Province Bylaws provide for the election of the following offices and positions (Article XXII, Sections V and VII):
Senior Province Vice Polemarch
Junior Province Vice Polemarch
Province Keeper of Records
Province Keeper of Exchequer
Assistant Province Keeper of Records
Assistant Province Keeper of Exchequer
Province Strategus
Province Lieutenant Strategus
Province Historian
Member, Province Board of Directors - Alumni (4 members)
2 members from chapters INSIDE the state with the largest delegate count
2 members from chapters OUTSIDE the state with the largest delegate count
Member, Province Board of Directors - Undergraduate (4 members)
2 members from chapters INSIDE the state with the largest delegate count
2 members from chapters OUTSIDE the state with the largest delegate count
SPECIAL: Grand Chapter Meeting years only
Province Delegate to the Grand Chapter Meeting, Alumni (1 member)
Province Delegate to the Grand Chapter Meeting, Undergraduate (1 member)