Presentations, 78th WPC
Prerequisite tasks must be taken before a presentation can be displayed using the province's audio-video services, including but not limited to: quality control & assurance, verifying technical compatibility, renaming & organizing files for convenient access, adding placeholder slides, etc.
For this reason, presentations MUST be submitted in advance using the form below; the deadline to submit a presentation for the 78th Western Province Council is Friday, February 29, 2025.
Note, these submissions will only be used for on-site projection/presentation; they will not be published to the website, as vetting the privacy/confidentiality of their content is not in-scope.
Do not use the submission form more than once; this will only create the risk that the incorrect files are used! For questions or assistance (before the deadline), call or text Jeff Brown at 248-980-5766.
To ensure optimum results, please adhere to the following standards:
Only submit your FINAL document, not a "good for the time being" version. Make sure to take the time to edit prior to submitting.
Ensure that your file is ready for viewing without any assistance.
Keep in mind that the a/v team members on the day of the presentation may be volunteers who have never seen the file before, so everything needs to be self-explanatory, requiring only a "next slide please" instruction from the presenter.Documents must be saved using the Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides file format
Ask someone to proofread for spelling errors before submitting
Due to storage space considerations, keep file sizes as small as possible; do not attach high-resolution photos. As a rule of thumb, files should be less than 2,000 to 3,000 KB (2-3 MB) each; if they are significantly larger, see the tips below.
Submit only one (1) file. See tips below for combining files, if necessary.)
Use the following guidelines when naming files:
Rename each file before uploading.
Keep the name short so that it is easily identifiable even if truncated.
Use only the subject of your agenda item. The context--the 78th Western Province Council--is already known.
DO NOT INCLUDE any of the following information, since it is redundant and not necessary:name of the fraternity (we already know who we are)
name of the province (the event already makes this clear)
year and/or the number of the WPC (delegates & attendees already know this)
Think about the agenda...the speaker's name and topic is printed there, so use a short file name that allows the a/v volunteer to match the file to order of the agenda. For example, instead of "Kappa Alpha Psi 78th Western Province Council, New MTA Requirements for FY 2025-26", simply name your presentation "MTA"...this keeps it simple, since there is only one MTA presentation during the council!
If more than one file is absolutely necessary (for example, a slideshow and a separate video file), add a number to the file name(s) make their order clear. For example: "1 - National MTA video" and "2 - MTA presentation", if the video will be played prior to the speaker's presentation, or "1 - Guide Right, National" and "2 - Province Kappa League" if the Kappa League slideshow will follow the Grand Chapter's slideshow.
Combine files: If necessary, select all of the slides in a second presentation, then copy & paste them after the last slide of the first presentation.
Smaller files: To make files smaller, FIRST avoid using any high-resolution photos such as those in a native smartphone resolution like 12 megapixel (4032 x 3024); try re-saving the photos at a lower resolution; 2 megapixel (1920 by 1080 or 1600 by 1200) should be more than enough.
Submission Form
Click the button below to submit presentation files. The deadline is Friday, February 29, 2025.
Remember: read the guidelines above in their entirety before using the form.