You can make province payments online; it's safe and easy! Just click the buttons below to open a secure window and complete your payment. All you need is a valid credit card; a PayPal account is NOT required.
Note: If you would like to a) make a payment that is not listed below, or b) use another form of payment, it may require a special invoice or arrangement. To request one, email the Keeper of Exchequer at
Province Dues
Province dues are payable at the beginning of each fraternal year (October 1). Amounts below include an electronic transaction fee.
Individual Dues
Dues for Chapters
To pay multiple members' dues electronically, request an invoice from the Keeper of Records & Exchequer, and complete the dues submission form, found here.
Member Re-engagement
Please see the acceptable payment methods below to the Western Province:
Cashapp: $WesternProvince
Cashier Check or Money Order: Western Province of Kappa Alpha Psi.
Paypal Link (see below)
No Personal Checks for the Reengagement Program will be accepted.
Mailing Address for a non electronic payment can be mailed to the Province KOE
Western Province of Kappa Alpha Psi
c/o Gregory Black
3431 Pomona Blvd, Suite G
Pomona, CA 91768
*No Payment should be made prior to Province Polemarch Approval*
$2,170 plus $78.98 Paypal processing fee
*No Payment should be made prior to Province Polemarch Approval*
$2,278 plus $82.88 Paypal processing fee
Undergraduate stipend
Each alumni chapter is required to make an annual $50 contribution in the form of a stipend to fund undergraduate activities. Paying below includes an electronic transaction fee.
Undergrad Chapter Support
Here is a way to support undergraduate participation in the fraternity though a deductible contribution to the Western Province Achievement Foundation.
Funds are managed by the Western Province to ensure that recipient chapters meet their responsibilities; click here to review the guidelines for distribution. Amounts include an electronic transaction fee.
Monthly contribution:
One-time contribution:
(for one-time amounts of $100 or greater)
Optional: After completing a one-time contribution, one may submit an email to specifying a recipient chapter.
WP Endowment Fund
The WPAF Endowment Fund was established to provide a permanent source of financial support for WPAF programs and initiatives.*
This endowment currently is set up to support educational scholarships. The endowment fund will follow all requirements of the WPAF Investment manual.
Please consider supporting the WPAF Endowment as we work together to improve our communities and the lives our youth.
* The fund is a restricted fund and only investment income (interest / appreciation) shall be used for program and initiative support. The principle is restricted from use.
Complete the vendor registration form here to register as a vendor and host a table/booth at a Western Province event. A $100 fee + $4.12 processing fee, applies to each event during the Fraternal year.
Note that vendors must be licensed with Kappa Alpha Psi's vendor license program prior to registering, and must upload a copy of their license using the form.
For additional inquiries, contact the Western Province Keeper of Records.