Chapter Certification

Chapter Certification is the fraternity's annual compliance process to assure that chapters meet fraternal requirements in a number of areas. 

Process Overview

In its simplest form, Chapter Certification is the submission of evidence that a chapter has completed its fraternal requirements. The order of submission is not critical, as long as each fulfilled requirement has been documented prior to the deadline.

The process includes the following roles and tasks:

Certification Requirements

The following are the business requirements necessary to complete Chapter Certification; save EACH one as a separate document and upload no later than October 15:




Some requirements from previous years have either been eliminated, or will be completed on the chapter's behalf; those include:

Technical Requirements

To aid in the review and approval process, please adhere to the following standards:


Chapter Folders

Upload EACH certification requirement as a separate PDF file. (Note: folder must be assigned write permission first; provide a Google-enabled email address to chapter's WP Board of Directors Member)

REMINDER: Rename each file before uploading, remembering to avoid nicknames and redundancies for ease of searching & sorting. Do not type "Alumni" (redundant; all city names are alumni), or use nicknames such as "SAC", "PAC" "RAC", "GA", etc. (not unique & thus can be misunderstood or miscategorized). See below for the five chapters with abbreviation exceptions (city names that contain at least three words).

Use one the following naming conventions:

The following naming exceptions are allowed for chapters with 3 or more words in their city names: 

note: chapter-level folders will not appear unless logged in with the aforementioned write-permission accounts (Polemarch & Keeper of Records)